Dunhuang Studies - Bibliography By Author

CREDIT - The Dunhuang webpages are researched and contributed by Prof. Ning Qiang

Acker, William B. Some TUang and Pre-TUang Texts on Chinese Painting (Translation of Hsieh Ho and and Chang Yen-Yuan texts). 2 vols., Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1954 and 1974.

Abe, Stanley K. RArt and practice in a fifth century Chinese Buddhist cave temple,S Ars Orientalis 20 (1991).

---. Mogao Cave 254: A case study in early Chinese Buddhist art. Ph.D dissertation. University of California, Berkeley, 1989.

Akiyama and Matsubara. Arts of China II: Buddhist Cave Temples. Trans. A.C. Soper. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1969.

Andrews, Frederich Henry. Catalogue of Wall Paintings from Ancient Shrines in Central Asia and Sistan Recovered by Sir Aurel Stein, Delhi, 1933.

---. Descriptive Catalogue of Antiquities Recovered by Sir Aurel Stein during His Explorations in Central Asia, Kansu and Eastern Iran, Delhi, 1935.

---. Wall Paintings from Ancient Shrines in Central Asia Recovered by Sir Aurel Stein. London: Oxford University Press, 1948.

Arts of China: Buddhist Cave Temples. New Researches. Compiled by Terukazu Akiyama and Saburo Matsubara; translated by Alexander C. Soper. Tokyo and Pao Alto: Kodansha International Ltd., 1969.

Arts of China: Neolithic Cultures to the TUang Dynasty. Recent Discoveries. Compiled by Terukazu Akiyama, Kosei Ando, Saburo Matsubara, Takashi Okazaki, and Takeshi Sekino; co-ordinated by Mary Tregear. Tokyo and Palo Alto: Kodansha International Ltd., 1968.

Art Treasures of Dunhuang, 1981.

Ashton, Leigh. An Introduction to the Study of Chinese Sculpture. London: Ernest Benn, Ltd, 1924.

Bagchi, Prabodh Chandra. Le canon bouddhique en Chine: Les traducteurs et les traductions. 2 vols. Sino-Indica Publications de lUUniversite de Calcutta, Tomes I, IV. Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1927 and 1938.

Beal Samuel, trans. Si-Yu-Ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World, by Hiuen Tsiang [Xuan-zang] 2 vols. Calcutta: Susil Gupta, Ltd., 1958 (first published in London, 1884; 1906)

Bezard, Robert Jera et Monique Mailiard. RUn Paradis dUAmitabha de la Collection Aurel Stein Conserve au Musee National de New Delhi,S Arts Asiatiques. Tom. XXXII, 1976.

Bulling A. RBuddhist Temples in the TUang Period I & II.S Oriental Art 1.2 (Summer 1955), pp. 79-86; 1.3 (Autumn 1955), pp. 115-122.

deBary, Wm. Theodore. The Buddhist Tradition in India, China and Japan. New York: Modern Library, 1969.

Bunker, Emma C. REarly Chinese Representations of Vimalakrti.S Artibus Asiae, 30, 1 (1968), pp. 28-52.

---. RThe Spirit Kings in Sixth-Century Buddhist Sculpture.S Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America, XVIII (1964), pp. 26-37.

Bush, Susan. RFloral Motifs and Vine scrolls in Chinese Art of the Late Fifth to Early Sixth Centuries A.D.S Artibus Asiae, 38.1 (1976), 49-83.

Caswell, James O. RCloud Hill and the Glory of the Law: A Study of the Five Caves of TUan-yao at Yun-kang.S Ph.D. Diss. Washington University, 1970.

---. Written and Unwritten: A New History of the Buddhist Caves at Yungang. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1988. [FA 4715.893.2] [Review: Vanderstappen, Harrie A., Ars Orientalis, XIX (1989), pp. 125-127.

Chang Garma C.C. The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1971.

Chavannes, Edouard. Les documents chinois decouverts par Aurel Stein dans les sables du Turkestan chinois. Oxford, 1913.

---. trans. Memoire Compose a lUEpoque de la grande Dynastie TUang sur les Religieux Eminents que Allerent Chercher la Loi dan les pays dUOccident, par I-tsing. Paris, 1984.

---. Mission archeologique dans la Chine Septentrionale. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1909.

---. Six Monuments de la Sculpture Chinoise. Bruxelles et Paris, 1914.

ChUen, Kenneth K.S. Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1964.

Chou, Yi-liang. RTantrism in China,S Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 8 (1944), pp. 241-332.

Cleary, Thomas. Entry into the Inconceivable: an Introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983.

Cook, Francis H. Hua-yen Buddhism: the Jewel Net of Indra. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977.

Davidson, LeRoy. The Lotus Sutra in Chinese Art: A Study in Buddhist Art to the Year 1000. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955.

Demieville, Paul. Choix dUetudes bouddhiques, 1929-1970. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1973.

dUAgence, Lefebvre Rene-yvon. Chinese, Korean and Japanese Sculptures in the Avery Brundage Collection. San Francisco, 1975.

De Silva, Anil. The Art of Chinese Landscape Painting in the Caves of Tunhuang. New York: Crown Publishers, 1967.

Des Rotours, Robert, baron. Le traite des examens traduite de la Nouvelle histoire des TUang. Paris: Leroux, 1932.

---. Traite des fonctionnaires et traite de lUarmee traduits de la nouvelle histoire des TUang. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1932.

Drake, F. S. RThe Shen-tUung Monastery and the Beginning of Buddhism in Shantung.S Monumena Serica, IV, 1-2 (1939), pp. 1-39.

Durt, Hubert, Krishna Riboud, and Lai Tung-Hung. RA propos de Tstupa miniaturesU votifs du ve siecle decouverts a Tourfan et au Gansu.S Arts Asiatiques, XL (1985), pp. 92-106.

Eberhard, Wolfram. Conquerors and Rulers: Social Forces in Medieval China. Second, revised edition. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1970.

FAN JINSHI & MEI LIN, "An Interpretation of the Maudgalyayana Murals in Cave 19 at Yulin." Orientations, vol. 27, no. 10 (November 1996), pp.70-75. The Flying Devis of Dunhuang. Beijing, 1980.

Fontein, Jan. The Pilgrimage of Sudhanna: A Study of Gandavyuha illustrations in China, Japan and Java. Hague: Mouton & Co., 1967.

---. RKibiUs Adventure in China: Facts, Fiction, and Their Meaning.S Boston Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin, Vol. LXVI (June 1968), pp. 49-68.

---. RA Chinese Buddhist Statue from the Terrace of the Seven Treasures.S Sonderdruck aus Intuition und Kunstwissenschaft: Festschrift fur Hans Swarzensku. Berlin, 1973, pp. 591-97.

Fontein, J. and Wu TUung. Han and TUang Murals. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1976.

Forte, Antonio. Political Propaganda and Ideology in China at the End of the Seventh Century. Naples: Instituto Orientale de Napoli, 1977.

---. Mingtang and Buddhist Utopias in the History of the Astronomical Clock--The Tower, Statue and Armillary Sphere Constructed by Empress Wu. Roma: Istituto Italiano per il medio ed estremo oriente; Paris: Ecole francaise dUextreme-orient, 1988.

Fraser, Sarah, "Regimes of Production: The Use of Pounces in Temple Construction." Orientations, vol. 27, no. 10 (November 1996), pp.60-69.

Fu Xinian. RSurvey: Chinese Traditional Architecture.S Translated by Virginia Weng. In Chinese Traditional Architecture, pp. 10-33.

Gabain, Annemarie von (1901), Formensprache der uigurischen malerei, 1987.

Getty, Alice. The God of North Buddhism. Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1962.

Giles, Lionel. Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Manuscripts from Tun-huang in the British Museum. London, 1957.

Gray, Basil. Buddhist Cave Paintings at Tunhuang. London: Faber and Faber, 1959.

Gregory, Peter N. RThe Teaching of Men and Gods: The Doctrinal and Social Basis of Lay Buddhist Practice in the Hua-yen Tradition.S In Studies in ChUan and Hua-yen, edited by Robert M. Gimello and Peter N. Gregory, pp. 253-319. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press in association with the Kurada Institute for the Study of Buddhism and Human Values, 1983.

Griswold A.B. RProlegomena to the Study of the BuddhaUs Dress in Chinese Sculpture, Part I and Part II.S Artibus Asiae, 26.1 (1963), pp. 85-131 and 27.4 (1964), pp. 335-48.

Grousset, Rene. Chinese Art and Culture. Trans. Haakon Chevalier. New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1961.

---.In the Footsteps of the Buddhas. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1971. Originally published in French in 1929.

Guisso, W. L. Richard. Wu Tse-tUien and the Politics of Legitimation in TUang China. Western Washington University Press, 1978.

Handbook of the Collections in the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and Mary Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, Vol. II. Art of the Orient. 5th edition. Kansas City: University Trustees W. R. Nelson Trust, 1973.

Hartel, Herbert. Along the Ancient Silk Routes. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1982.

Ho, Judy Chungwa. RTunhuang Cave 249: A Representation of the Vimalakirtinirdesa.S Ph.D. Diss. Yale University, 1985. [FA 462.761.108]

Ho, Wai-kam. RNotes on Chinese Sculpture from Northern ChUi to Sui, Part I: Two Seated Buddhas in the Cleveland Museum.S Archives of Asian Art, 22 (1968), pp. 7-55.

Hobogirin. Dictionaire encyclopedique du bouddhisme dUapres les sources chinoises et japonaises. Tokyo, 1929--1984.

Hopkirk, Peter. Foreign Devils on the Silk Road. London: John Murray, 1980.

Hou Ching-lang, RPhysionomie dUapres le teint sous la dynastie des TUang (une etude sur le manuscript P. 3390),S Contributions aux Etudes sur Touen-houang, ed. Michel Soymie, Geneve-Paris, 1979, pp. 55-70.

Howard, Angela Falco. RBuddhist Sculpture of Pujiang, Sichuan: A Mirror of the Direct Link Between Southwest China and India in High Tang.S Archives of Asian Art XLII (1989), 49-61.

---. RHeavenly Mounts--Horses and Elephants--in Chinese Buddhist Art.S Oriental Art, n.s., XXVIII, 4 (1982/83), pp. 368-81.

---. RTang Buddhist Sculpture of Sichuan: Unknown and Forgotten,S The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm 61 (1988).

---. RBuddhist sculpture of Pujiang, Sichuan: a mirror of the direct link between China and India in High Tang.S Archives of Asian Art, 1989.42:49-61.

---. The Imagery of the Cosmological Buddha. Studies in South Asian Culture, Vol. VIII. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.

---. RTang and Song Images of Guanyin from Sichuan.S Orientations, vol, 21, no. 1 (January 1990) pp. 49-57.

---. RIn Support of a New Chronology for the Kizil Mural Paintings.S Archives of Asian Art, 1991.44: 68-83.

Huntington, John C. RThe Iconography and Iconology of the Tan Yao Caves at Yungang.S Oriental Art, n.s., XXXII, 2 (1986), pp. 142-160.

---. RA Note on Dunhuang Cave 17, Tthe libraryU, or Hong BianUs reliquary chamber.S Ars Orientalis, 1986.16:93-101. [FA 1:376]

Hurvitz, Leon. trans. Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976.

---, trans. RWei Shu. Treatise on Buddhism and Taoism. An English Translation of the Original Chinese Text of Wei-shu CXIV and the Japanese Annotation of Tsukamoto Zenryu.S In Yun-kang 16, Supplement, Appendix II, pp. 33-103.

Interregional Influences in East Asian Art History, Proc. of an International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, 1982 (Tokyo: Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties).

Japanische studien zur kunst der seidenstrasse, 1988. On Buddhist art of the Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous region. [WID-LC N8193.C6 J36 1988]

Jao Tsung-yi and Demieville, Paul, (preface), Peintures monochromes de Dunhuang, 3 fascicues, Paris, 1978.

Jenner, W. J. F. Memories of Loyang: Yang Hsuan-chih and the Lost Capital (493-534). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981.

---. RNorthern Wei Loyang: An Unnecessary Capital?S Papers on Far Eastern History, 23 (1981), pp. 147-63.

Juliano, Annette L. RNew Discoveries at the Yungang Caves.S In Chinese Traditional Architecture, pp. 80-89.

---. Teng-hsien: An Important Six Dynasties Tomb. Artibus Asiae Supplementum, XXXVII. Ascona: Artibus Asiae Publishers, 1980.

Klimburg-Salter, Deborah (ed.), The Silk Road and the Diamond Path: Esoteric Buddhist art on the Trans-Himalayan trade routes, Los Angeles, 1982.

Knauer, Elfriede Regina. RThe Fifth Century A.D. Buddhist Cave Temples at Yun-kang, North China: A Look at Their Western Connections.S Expedition, XXV, 4 (1983), pp. 27-47.

Laing, Ellen J. REvidence for Two Possible Sasanian Rugs Depicted in Tun-huang Murals of A.D. 642.S Ars Orientalis, 12 (1981), pp. 69-71.

Lee, Yu Min (1954), RMaitreya Cult and Its Art in Early China,S Ph.D. Diss. 1983. [FA 462.805.1]

Leslie, Donald Daniel. RPersian Temples in China,S Monumenta Serica 35 (1981-83), 275-303.

Luk, Charles (Lu KUuan Yu), trans. The Vimalakrti Nirdesa Sutra. Berkeley and London: Shambala Publications Inc., 1972.

Mair, Victor. Painting and Performance: Chinese Picture Recitation and Its Indian Genesis. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1988. [Review: De Woskin, Kenneth J. Journal of Asian Studies, XLVIII, 4 (1989) pp. 806-808; Lanciotti, Lionello: East and West XXXIX, 1-4 (1989), pp.332-333.]

Mair, Victor, Tang Transformation Texts. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989. [Review: Lanciotti, Lionello, East and West, XXXVIII 1-4 (1989), pp. 332-333.]

Mallmann, Marie-Therese de. Introduction a lUetude dUAvaloketecuara. Paris, 1948.

Maspero, Henri. Les documents chinois de la troisieme expedition de Sir Aurel Stein en Asie centrale, London, 1953.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, Along the Ancient Silk Routes: Central Asian art from the West Berlin State Museum. New York, 1982.

Mirsky, Jeannette, Sir Aurel Stein: Archaeological Explorer. Chicago and London, 1977.

Mizuno, Seiichi. RArchaeological Survey of the Yun-Kang Grottoes.S Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America, IV (1950), pp. 39-60.

---. Chinese Stone Sculpture. Tokyo: Mayuyama & Co., 1950. [Yenching: W6420/55]

Mizuno, Seiichi, and Nagahiro Toshio. A Study of the Buddhist Cave-temples at Lung-men, Ho-nan. Tokyo: The Zauho Press, 1941.

---, Yun-kang (Unko sekkutsu): The Buddhist Cave-Temples of Fifth Century A.D. in North China. Detailed Report of the Archaeological Survey Carried Out by the Mission of the Toho Bunka Kenkyusho, 1938-1945. 16 vols. (generally two parts each), Supplement and Index. Kyoto: Kyoto University (Kyoto Daigaku), Jimbun kagaku kenkyusho, 1952-56.

Mission Paul Pelliot (M. Hallade and S. Gaulier), IV, Douldour-Aqour et Soubachi, Paris, 1982.

Mission Paul Pelliot (K. Riboud, G. Vial and M. Hallade), XIII, Tissus de Touen-housang conserves au Musee Guimet et a la Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, 1970.

Mission Paul Pelliot , XIV, XV, Bannieres et peintures de Touen houang conserveee au Musee Guimet, 2 vols. Paris, 1974, 1976.

Muller, F. Max. ed. The Sacred Books of the East. 50 vols. including index. Oxford, 1879-1910.

Munakata, Kiyohiko. RThe Rise of the Ink-wash Painting in TUang Dynasty.S Ph.D. Diss. Princeton University, 1965.

Nagahiro, Toshio. ROn Wei-chUih I-seng.S Oriental Art, I.2 (1955), pp. 70-74.

Nagao Gadjin. ROn the Theory of Buddha-body (Buddha-kaya).S Eastern Buddhist, n.s. 4.1 (May 1973), pp. 25-53.

Nagamura Hajime. RA Critical Survey of Mahayana and Esoteric Buddhism Chiefly Based upon Japanese Studies.S Acta Asiatica, 6 (March 1964), pp. 57-88, 7 (December 1964).

Naito, Toichiro. The Wall Paintings of Horyuji. ed. and trans. W. R. B. Acker and B. Rowland, 2 vols. Baltimore: Waverly Press, 1943.

Nanjio, B., A Catalogue of the Chinese Translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka. Oxford, 1883.

Nath, Amarendra. Buddhist Images and Narratives. 1986.

Neville, Tove. Eleven-headed Avalokitesvara, Kuan-yin, Kwan Eum, and Kannon, Irs Originsa and Iconography in India, Southeast Asia, Nepal, Tibet, China, Korea, and Japan. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1980.

Ning Qiang, RThe Emergence of the TDunhuang StyleU in the Northern Wei Dynasty.S Orientations, vol. 23, no. 5 (May 1992), pp. 45-48.

---, "Buddhist-Daoist Conflict and Gender Transformation: Deciphering the Illustrations of the Vimalakirti-nirdesha in Mediaeval Chinese Art." Orientations, vol. 27, no. 10 (November 1996), pp.50-59.

---, "Ritual, Entertainment & Politics: Rethinking the Northern Wall of Dunhuang Cave 220." Oriental Art, vol.XLII, no.4 (1996/97), pp.39-51.

Okazaku, Joji. Pure Land Buddhist Painting. Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd., 1977.

Oldham, C.E.A.W. `Sir Aurel Stein,U Proceedings of the British Academy. vol.29 (1943).

Oort, H.A.V. Iconography of Chinese Buddhism in Traditional China. 1986. [FA 462.817. Yenching: 2150/8222]

Pal, Pratapaditya. RCosmic vision and Buddhist Images.S Art International, 25.1/2 (1982), pp. 8-40.

Paul, Diana Y., with contribution by Frances Wilson. Women in Buddhism: Images of the Feminine in Mahayana Tradition. 2nd edition. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1985.

Pekarik, Andrew J. RThe Cave Temples of Dunhuang.S Archaeology 36, 1 (Jan/Feb 1983): 20-27.

Pelliot, Paul. Les grottes de Touen-houang: Peintures et sculptures Boudhiques des epoques des Wei, des TUang et des Song. 6 vols. Paris: Paul Geithner, 1914-24.

---. Grottes de Touen-houang carnet de Notes de Paul Pelliot. Paris: College de France, 1981.

Perry, John C. and Bardwell L. Smith ed. Essays on TUang Society: the Interplay of Social, Political and Economic Forces. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976.

Poor, Robert. RChinese Buddhist Sculpture: A Figure of Kuan-Shih-Yin.S The Minneapolis Institute of Arts Bulletin, LVIII (1960), pp. 19-28.

Priest, Alan. Chinese Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, 1944. [Yenching: W 6404/59]

Rawson, Jessica. Chinese Ornament: The Lotus and the Dragon. New York: Holms & Meier Publishers, Inc., 1984.

Reischaur, Edwin O. EnninUs Diary: The Record of a Pilgrimage to TUang in Search of the Law. New York: Ronald Press, 1955.

---. RNotes on TUang Dynasty Sea Routes.S Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 5.2 (1940-41), pp. 142-164.

Rhie, Marylin M. RAspects of Sui KUai-huang and TUang TUien-pao Bubbhist Images.S East and West, 17.1/2 (March-June, 1967), pp. 96-114.

---. RA TUang Period Transcription and Cave XXI at TUien-lung-shan.S Archives of Asian Art, 28 (1974), pp. 6-34.

---. RSome Aspects of the Relation of 5th-century Chinese Buddha Images with Sculpture from N. India, Pakistan, Afganistan, and Central Asia.S East and West, 26 (1976), pp. 439-461.

---. The Fo-kuang ssu: Literary Evidences and Buddhist Images. New York: Garland Publishing, 1977.

---. RInterrelationships Between the Buddhist Art of China and the Art of India and Central Asia from 618-755 A.D.S Serie Orientale Roma (from ISMEO, Rome).

Rowland, Benjamin Jr. RIndian Images in Chinese Sculpture.S Artibus Asiae, 10 (1947), pp. 5-20.

---. The Evolution of the Buddha Image. New York: the Asia Society, 1963.

Ruitenbeek, K. RGuanyin: Avalokiteshvara, China, Tang-dynasty, 618-907.S Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum, vol.37, no. 3 (1989), pp. 148-50.

Sasaguchi, Rei. RA dated Painting from Tun-huang in the Fogg Art Museum.S Archives of Asian Art, 26 (1972), pp. 26-49.

Sato, Chisui. RThe Character of Yun-kang Buddhism.S [Translation of an article which originally appeared in Toyo gakuho, LIX, 1-2 (1977), pp. 27-66.] The Memoirs of Toyo Bunko, No. 36 (1978), pp. 39-83.

Schafer, Edward A. RIranian Merchants in TUang Dynasty Tales.S California University: Publications in Semitic Philology, II (1951), pp. 403-22.

---. The Golden Peaches of Samarkand: A Study of TUang Exotics. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963.

---. RThe Last Years of ChUang-an,S Oriens Extremus, X (October 1963), pp. 133-179.

---. RNotes on Tuan ChUeng-Shih and his Writing.S Asiatische Studien XVI, 1-4 (1963), pp. 14-34. [Yenching: W9220/832]

---. Pacing the Void: TUang Approahces to the Stars. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977.

---. The Vermillion Bird: TUang Images of the South. Berkeley: University of California Press,1967.

Seckel, Dietrich. The Art of Buddhism. Trans. Anne E. Keep. New York: Crown Publishers, 1964.

--- . Buddhist Art of East Asia. trans. Ulrich Mammitzsch. Bellingham, Washington: Western Washington University, 1989. The German original in 1957. [Yenching: W 1914/337; FA 460.802.8]

Segalen, Victor. The Great Statuary of China. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1978.

Shaw, Miranda. RBuddhist and Taoist Influences on Chinese Landscape Painting,S Journal of the History of Ideas 49: 2 (April-June 1988), p. 183 (24)

Shi Pingting, RA Brief Discussion on the Jingbian Buddhist Illustrations at Dunhuang.S Orientations, vol. 23, no. 5 (May 1992), pp. 61-64.

Shi Weixiang, RHigh Tang Art in the Mogao Caves.S Orientations, vol. 23, no. 5 (May 1992), pp. 49-51.

Sickman, Laurence and Soper, Alexander. The Art and Architecture of China (The Pelican History of Art). New York: Penguin Books, 3rd edition 1968; rpt. 1978.

Sickman, L. RThe Empress as Donor with AttendantsS in Laurence Sickman: A Tribute, ed. Michael Churchman. Kansas City, Missouri: The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 1988. pp. 35-37.

---. RAn Example of an Early Buddhist Sculpture.S Parnassus, January 1938, vol. 10, pp. 9-12.

---. RLangdon Warner, 1881-1955.S Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America, vol. 9, p. 7.

---. RA Sixth-century Buddhist Stela.S Apollo. March 1975, pp. 12-17.

Siren, Osvald. RIndian and Other Influences in Chinese SculptureS inStudies in Chinese Art and Some Indian Influences, pp. 15-36.

---Chinese Sculpture From the Fifth to the Fourteenth Century. 4 vols. London: E. Benn, Ltd, 1925.

Soothill, William E. The Hall of Light: A Study of Early Chinese Kingship. London, 1951.

---. trans. The Lotus of the Wonderful Law: Or, the Lotus Gospel, Saddharma pundarka sutra, Miaofa lien hua ching. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1930.

---, and Lewis Hodous, comps. A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, with Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali Index. London, 1937; Taipei: Buddhist Culture Service, 1962 (first published in 1937)

Soper, C. Alexander. RJapanese Evidence for the history of the Architecture and Iconography of Chense Buddhism. Contributins to the Study of Sculpture and architecture III.S Monumenta Serica. 4. 638-79.

---.The Evolution of Buddhist Architecture in Japan. Princeton Monographs in Art and Archaeology, XXII. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1942.

---. RThe `Dome of HeavenU in AsiaS Art Bulletin XXIX, 4, 12, 1947, pp. 225-48.

---. RHsiang-kuo-ssu: An Imperial Temple of Northern Sung.S Journal of the American Oriental Society, LXVIII (1948), pp. 19-45.

---. RAspects of Light Symbolism in Gandharan SculptureS, Artibus Asiae XII, 3, 1949, pp. 252-83; XII, 4,1949, pp. 314-30;XIII, 1,2, 1950, pp. 63-85.

---. RNorthern Liang and Northern Wei in Kansu,S Artibus Asiae vol. 21, no. 2 (1958), 131-164.

---, trans. RTUang ChUao Ming Hua Lu: The Famous Painters of the TUang Dynasty.S Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America, IV (1950), pp. 5-28; rev. trans. Artibus Asiae, 21.3/4 (1958), 204-30.

---. RA Vacation Glimpse of the TUang Temples of ChUang-an.S Artibus Asiae 23 (1960), pp. 15-40.

---. Literary Evidence for Early Buddhist Art in China. Artibus Asiae Supplementum, XIX. Ascona: Artibus Asiae Publishers, 1959.

---. RSouth Chinese Influence on the Buddhist Art of the Six Dynasties Period,S Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 32 (1960), 47-112.

---. RTwo Stelae and a Pagoda on the Central Peak, Mt. SungS Archives of Asian Art 1962.16:41-48.

---. RRepresentations of Famous Images at Tun-huang.S Artibus Asiae 27 (1964-65), pp. 349-64.

--- RA Buddhist Travelling Shrine in an International StyleS East and West, New Series XV, 3-4, 9-12, 1965, p. 211-25)

---. RImperial Cave Chapels of the Northern Dynasties: Donors, Beneficiaries, Dates.S Artibus Asiae 28, 4 (1966), pp. 241-70.

---. RThe Relationship of Early Chinese Painting to Its Own Past.S Artists and Traditions. Princetone: Princeton University Press, 1976.

Soper, Alexander, A case of meaningful magic : Alexander C. Soper. Washington, D.C. : Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1990. Rubel (Fine Arts): AM863 S712C

Sponberg, Alan. Maitrya, the Future Buddha. Ed. Hardacre, Helen. N.Y. Cambridge University Press, 1988. (Review: Gomez, Luis O., The Journal of Asian Studies, XLVIII, 2 (1989), pp. 345-346.)

Stein, Mark Aurel. Ancient Khotan: Detailed report of archaelogical explorations in Chinese Turkestan. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907.

---. Innermost Asia: Detailed report of explorations in Central Asia, Kansu and Eastern Iran. 4 vols. Oxford, 1928.

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Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman. RYing Xian Timber Pagoda.S Chinese Traditional Architecture. New York: China Institute in America, 1984.

Studies in Chinese Art and Some Indian Influences (Lectures delivered in connection with the International Exhibition of Chinese Art at the Royal Academy of Arts). by J. Hackin, Osvald Siren, Langdon Warner, and Paul Pelliot. London: The India Society, 1937(?) [Yenching: W6030/83]

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